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笔,是人类的一项伟大发明,是供书写或绘画用的工具,多通过笔尖将带有颜色的固体或液体墨水在纸上或其他固体表面绘制文字、符号或图画,也有利用固体笔尖的硬度书写画图用铅笔和炭笔。那么,你知道笔的的英文单词是什么吗? 笔 [bǐ] 笔的英文释义: pencil pen writing brush to write or pose the strokes of Chinese characters 笔的英文例句: 他擦去铅笔的痕迹。

He erases pencil marks. 石墨常被用来做成铅笔。

Graphite is used in making lead pencils. 请把铅笔借给我用用好吗? Would you please lend me your pencil? 她一边和我说话,一边摆弄著一支铅笔。 While she was talking to me, she toyed with a pencil. 他拿钢笔蘸墨水。 He dipped his pen in the ink. 你有铅笔吗? Have you got a pencil? 我可以借用你的钢笔吗? May I borrow your pen? 我用电话旁的一根铅笔记下了他的电话号码。 I noted down his telephone number with a pencil near the telephone. 上课的时候可以多带一支铅笔或钢笔防止你的朋友忘记带笔了。

Try to take an extra pencil or pen with you to classes in case they forget one. 圆头笔尖,书写笔型白板笔,可在各种白板和光滑表面书写。 Fine point dry ease markers for white board and other nonporous surface. 1. Now is the time to touch him for a loan. 现在是向他借笔钱的时候了。 2. Legal action is being taken to try to recover the money. 正在进行诉讼以收回那笔钱。

3. This cuttlefish has a horny internal shell like a pen. 这只乌贼有一个笔状的角质内壳。 4. She won a grant to develop her own business. 她赢得了一笔拨款,用以扩充套件自己的企业。 5. The pany intends to squeeze further savings from its suppliers. 公司试图从供货商那里再省下一笔费用。

6. For the first time the government's actually put some money up front. *** 居然预付了一笔钱,这可是有史以来第一次。 7. They are set to make a big fat profit. 他们下定决心要大赚一笔。 8. Those figures might not even cover the cost of breakages. 那笔钱甚至都不够赔偿破损费。

9. Volunteers receive £21 pocket money each week, acmodation and expenses. 志愿者每周领到21英镑的零用钱,免费住宿,还得到一笔生活费。 10. She's coining it in with a $10 million contract with Revlon. 她靠与露华浓签订的一笔1,000万美元的合同发了大财。 11. His mother's *** all estate had passed to him after her death. 他母亲死后留给他一小笔遗产。 12. You owe a certain person a sum of money. 你欠某人一笔钱。

13. The guests had each paid £250, no trifling sum. 客人每位付了250英镑,可不是一笔小数目。 14. All that money brought nothing but sadness and misery and tragedy. 那笔钱带来的只有伤心、痛苦和悲剧。 15. The money is used by local authorities to pay for public services. 那笔资金被地方当局用来支付公共事业的开支。 16. She sat at the table with pen and paper. 她拿着纸笔坐在桌旁。

17. He has had his fingers burnt by deals that turned out badly. 几笔糟糕的生意让他吃了苦头。 18. She whoops with delight at a promise of money. 她因为有可能获得一笔钱而高兴得大叫。 19. McLaren are close to sealing a deal with Renault. 麦克拉伦即将与雷诺达成一笔交易。 20. With a lip pencil, outline lips and fill them in. 用唇线笔勾出双唇的轮廓,然后涂上唇膏。


pen,英 [pen],美 [pen]    n. 钢笔;笔;写作;围栏;雌天鹅v. 写;把…关在圈中名词: penner 过去式: penned 过去分词: penned 现在分词: penning 第三人称单数: pens例句:The pen slips out of my fingers.钢笔从我指缝中滑下去了。铅笔单词pencil,英 ['pensl],美 ['pensl]    n. 铅笔;笔状物vt. 用铅笔写名词: penciler 过去式: penciled/pencilled 过去分词: penciled/pencilled 现在分词: penciling/pencilling 第三人称单数: pencils例句:He erases pencil marks.他擦去铅笔的痕迹。


笔的英文:pen读音:英 [pen] 美 [pɛn] n. 钢笔;作家;围栏vt. 写;关入栏中n. (Pen)人名;(法)庞;(俄、塞、英、意)佩恩;(柬)宾[ 过去式 penned 或pent 过去分词 penned 或pent 现在分词 penning ]相关短语:International PEN 国际笔会pen container 牲畜集装箱 ; 动物集装箱 ; 牲口集装箱 ; 笔筒light pen [计] 光笔 ; 灯笔 ; 光 ; 光触笔双语例句:My pen turned up in a drawer. 我的钢笔在一个抽屉里找到了。
